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St Michael’s School


4 James St
Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 428
Bassendean WA 6934
08 6278 9888
Absentee Line – 6278 9802

St Michael’s School


Faith for the Journey

Jubilee Prayer

Father Our Creator,
You created all things, seen and unseen,
Listen to my silent prayer as I stand here before you.
As my weary eyes look back over distant horizons,
Back to those days where my people walked.
The footprints of my grandfathers are imprinted on the earth
And their images become real to me.
I see my Grandfathers standing tall and strong, warriors of long ago
I hear them singing I see them dancing
And my spirit moves within me.
They told of the emus fighting
And the kangaroos picking up the scent of our hunters
The images fade away as I feel the hurt of my people.
I can hear the cries of my Grandmothers as they cry for their children
Grandfather, you can see me as I stand here and feel this hurt
Father Creator, is this the purpose of my being here
Or is it your plan to reshape my people
To be once again the proud race it once was?
Let me walk with you and my Grandfathers
Towards the dawning of a proud and new nation.
I thank you for my Sacred Being.


(NATSICC Leadership Gathering November 1995)
Prayer and image from:


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