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St Michael’s School


4 James St
Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 428
Bassendean WA 6934
08 6278 9888
Absentee Line – 6278 9802

St Michael’s School


Message from the Principal – Newsletter 23

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Our best wishes go out to all our students who will be receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time on Sunday! We hope all families involved will enjoy this very special day!

Upcoming P & F Meeting

A reminder that we have a P & F meeting scheduled for this Monday 10th August at 7.15pm in the staffroom. All are welcome to attend.

A huge thank you must go to Mrs Jac Wilson who is stepping down from the role of P & F representative on the school board. Jac has had the unenviable task of attending both board and P & F meetings and has acted as a conduit between these two important school bodies. Her commitment, enthusiasm and thoroughness in the role have been much appreciated! Thank you Jac!

P & F Bogan Bingo – 28 August

The P & F have now confirmed their upcoming social event – ‘Bogan Bingo’ on Friday 28 August.  Information was posted this week on the Connected App and more information will follow in the near future. Currently, the P & F are seeking donations of prizes from businesses and a copy of a letter for businesses is available via our app. If you or anyone you know is able to help, please contact Pam Mahar on

Catholic Performing Arts Festival

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the 2020 Catholic Performing Arts Festival has been scaled back. Rather than performing in person, schools have been asked to video their submission. St. Michael’s students will be taping their performance next week – best of luck to all Years 4 – 6 students involved.

School Photos

A reminder that school photos are coming up on Wednesday 26 August. This is a timely reminder to please ensure that all students have the correct, full winter uniform ready for photo day including a school jumper, black school shoes and a conservative hairstyle. A summary of our school uniform can be found on our website:

Some boys’ haircuts that are not consistent with our uniform are starting to creep in again. A reminder that hair should not be dyed and should not be partly shaved with a much longer section of hair on top. We ask parents to support us with the uniform policy as this is a condition of enrolment.

God bless

Dr Siobhan Galos


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