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St Michael’s School


4 James St
Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 428
Bassendean WA 6934
08 6278 9888
Absentee Line – 6278 9802

St Michael’s School


Assistant Principal News

Important Dates

Please make a note of these in your calendars;

Term 3

  • School Photos: Wednesday August 26
  • P&F Bogan Bingo Fundraiser: Friday August 28
  • Father’s Day Breakfast: Thursday September 3
  • Pupil Free Day (Catholic Day): Friday September 4
  • Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Development): Monday September 7
  • Athletics Carnival: Wednesday September 9
  • Mercy Day: Wednesday September 23
  • St Michael’s Talent Show / Last day Term 3: Friday September 25

Term 4

  • Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Development): Monday October 12
  • Open Night and Book Fair: Wednesday October 21
  • Book Costume Parade: Friday October 23
  • Walkathon: Friday October 30


Father’s Day Breakfast RSVP

Please click here to allow us to plan adequate catering for our Father’s Day Breakfast.

A reminder that the breakfast is for Dads / Important Male Figures, not for the children. Thank you.


National Science Week

This week, St Michael’s celebrated all the wonderful learning that happens throughout the year in Science across the school. Student photographers from Year 3 were invited to visit classes during Science lessons to capture the creative ways staff and students explore the strands of Science Understanding, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills. This year’s theme, “Deep Blue: Innovations for the Future of our Oceans” was adopted by some classes in conjunction with their Term 3 Science topics. What a talented group of investigators, photographers and inquirers! Some great examples of teaching and learning, well done everyone.


Remote Learning Memoir

To acknowledge the time that students spent at home during the period of remote learning in 2020, we are compiling a small memoir. To assist us, we would love to receive any photographs that you may have taken while your child/ren were learning at home earlier this year. If you could please send these through to your class teacher or directly to, we would be very grateful.

Thank you to all families who have already sent theirs through, we will be very excited to share this memoir with you in due course.


School Photos

Our school photo day on Wednesday 26th August is fast approaching. Each student has been handed an order form with a unique shoot code to purchase photos online. Purchases can be made up to 6 days after the photo day.

If you wish to have family photos, please collect an envelope from the school office. You will need to hand this envelope with the correct monies to the photographer on the morning. Family photos will be taken between 8am and 9am.


School Athletics

Due to COVID, we have had to move our School Athletics date. Students will be participating in the Field Events on Friday 28th August. Classes will move to the BI to compete in the events during the day. Miss B is looking for parent helpers to assist on the day.

Our Track Events will take place on Wednesday 9th September at Ern Clark Athletic Centre. Miss B is looking for helpers on this day to help the day run smoothly.

From our previous athletics day at the venue, we found many parents took their children to the event and took them at the end of the day. We will be sending out a form to check which families require their child to catch the bus to and from the event to assist with booking the buses.

Please contact her at if you are able to assist on either day.

Assistant Principal
Jemima Saunders


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