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St Michael’s School


4 James St
Bassendean WA 6054
PO Box 428
Bassendean WA 6934
08 6278 9888
Absentee Line – 6278 9802

St Michael’s School


School News

Year 6 Media Ministry

Hi students and parents, 

This was a very busy week for students and staff. Mrs Turner has been preparing the NAIDOC Mass while the Year 5 class prepare the readers. A big congratulations to all the runners that ran in the cross country today and to Miss B for organising.  

Just a friendly reminder that we should keep wearing the correct uniform or bring in a note why you’re wearing the wrong uniform. 

Next week is NAIDOC Week. The teachers are all working very hard and teaching the students about NAIDOC Week. On Wednesday, there is going to be a Mass. The only classes that will be attending the Mass are Years 4, 5, and 6. Hopefully, next term the whole school will be able to attend Mass. 

Good job to all classes for working very hard this week.

We have got some shots of Confirmation, and First Holy Communion pieces that students have been working very hard in art for the last few weeks.

Also, just a friendly reminder to keep washing your hands because together we can do little things to stop this one big tragic COVID-19. 

Thank you for your support this term. We know this was a very hard term because of COVID-19. So, a big thank you to the staff and student for getting us through this term. Sadly, this is the last week of Grace, Zack, Max, Francesco and Isabella writing the newsletter. Next term we will be handing the Media Ministry over to a new bunch of students.  

Farewell from 

Zack, Max, Francesco, Grace and Isabella 
Media Ministry

School Social Worker Message

How do you support your child when they have ‘friendship fires’?

Firstly, let them know that it is normal to have disagreements with their friends and that there is no friendship that is perfect. Disagreements or friendship fires often present the opportunity to resolve an issue and move towards a stronger and closer friendship.  The infographic below from the URSTRONG Friendology program shows the steps that students are encouraged to take in order to resolve a friendship fire. Keep it on hand for when you need to guide your son or daughter to put out a friendship fire with their friend! 

Mean-on-purpose behaviour is different to a friendship fire and is when a child is deliberately mean to another child. The steps for responding to this are more assertive and require your child to use a ‘quick comeback’ such as “that’s not okay!”, to walk away, and then to report it to an adult. At school, we ask students to report mean-on-purpose behaviour to a teacher straight away so it can be dealt with in an appropriate and timely way.

Please use this Friendology language at home with your son or daughter so that we can work together to promote healthy relationships and communication skills that they will continue to use throughout their lives.

Lisa Mueller
School Social Worker
Available Mondays and Wednesdays


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